The Professional Association of Tourism Guides of Santiago APGT A.G. is pleased to present the training given by our partners, specialists in different fields.

These trainings were designed thinking of complementing the knowledge of tourist guides, students and workers related to the field as well as anyone who wants to expand their knowledge and horizons. In addition, we have training to prepare entrepreneurs to start their path in the tourism area with the necessary tools to provide a quality service and also

The topics you will find in this Training Catalog are as follows:

Tourism Guide and its contribution to the economya

It prepares people interested in tourist guidance regarding the importance of service quality, to contribute to the country’s economic income levels.

Chile Tourism Guide/Good Practices

Good practices in serving national receptive tourism passengers as well as foreign visitors are presented in detail.

The Tourist Guide Profession or Occupation?

The experience of tourist guidance and the roles of its functions are known and shared, in addition to others attributed based on the organization chart and expectations of each of the companies to which it provides its services, addressing “Personalized Tourism”, “Tourism of Special Interests ”and“ Tourism to the Measure of the Client ”.

Tourism and Storytelling Applied to Tourism

This course covers Oral Narration and its effects to the skills for narration and elements of communication, everything necessary for a Guide or any tourism professional to create a story as part of the creation of unique and unforgettable experiences.

Group management and tourist entertainment

Know the diversity of group management techniques and tourist animation and their design that adapt to the needs, characteristics and interests of the clients and the product offered by the tourist place.

The Urban Tree in the city of Santiago de Chile

Know the diversity of trees planted in the main parks and squares of the city of Santiago de Chile, as well as their characteristics, general functionalities and their main contributions to the urban landscape.

Native Flora of Chile – Metropolitan Region

The classifications of the types of vegetation present in Chile will be known, especially the native species present in the Metropolitan Region.

Minimum Environmental Impact

You will know and understand the 7 principles of Leave No Trace and their implications in the criteria when making decisions regarding the environment and thus contribute to the preservation of ecosystems for future generations.

Introduction to Wine Tasting

In this training, basic knowledge will be acquired to introduce ourselves to the principles of tasting, in order to sensually appreciate wines, subjecting them to our senses and translating these sensations into words, expressing aromas, flavors and history.

Everything you need to know about wine

In this course you will acquire basic knowledge of all the processes that are in the journey to create a wine, from the land to the palate.

Pisco: Know and taste

Knowledge will be acquired about distillates, types and production, and then focus on Pisco, its history and tasting.

A look at the annals of our history

Recognize, analyze and identify the various stages of human settlement and discriminate between the details that contributed to the formation of a society made up of individuals whose blood, cultural, and ideological traces, which shaped a human being with the characteristics of “Chilean ”.

Introduction to the Worldview of Mapuche Medicine

In this talk we will address Mapuche medicine, the variety of medicinal plants and how they are linked to the different organs of our body.

Sustainability in Tourism

In this training, the objectives of sustainability, its three fundamental pillars and its application in tourism will be known.

Workshop for Entrepreneurs: Tourist Services for Tourist Guides and Tour Operators:

Work will be done to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the person and of your company (or future company), to achieve a strengthening of your business and of yourself, in addition to knowing the basic concepts of visual communication and perception to identify conscious tourism, which are essential issues to build innovation with respectful and educational ethics, in each of the business processes and actions to be developed.

Law and its relationship with Tourism

Update knowledge of laws, regulations, and their relationship with tourism to assimilate, as well as share with tourists, preferably foreigners, who want to know how the legal system works in Chile.

Law and Tourism:

Topics such as Constitutional Law, Political Constitution and Tourism, Consumer Law and Tourism, Labor Law, Social Security and Tourism, Environmental Law and Tourism will be discussed.

Storytelling applied to tourism:

The target audience will be given skills and competencies to properly handle oral storytelling techniques to make the story and the delivery of information entertaining, interesting and consistent, achieving effective communication.

Leadership, Teamwork and Conflict Management

The target audience will be given skills and competencies to effectively manage groups of passengers and deal with difficult situations. Promote aspects and traits of leadership and teamwork.

Keys to being an extraordinary Guide/Tour Manager

The target audience will be given skills and competencies related to the role of the tour guide, what they should and should not do and what they should know to be able to lead groups of passengers effectively.

f you wish to have more information about our trainings, please contact us and request that our catalog be sent with more details.